Who is MDS Hire & Copyright?
MDS Hire & Copyright (MDSHC) is a service company that administers the processing of hire orders and administration of copyright within the UK and Ireland on behalf of Schott Music, Universal Edition and the various catalogues they represent.
What catalogues do you represent?
Please click here to see a list of catalogues represented by MDS Hire & Copyright.
What are your opening hours?
Mon-Fri 9.30-5.30
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payment by credit card and BACS.
Where can I see upcoming composer anniversaries?
Click here to find a list of composer anniversaries for 2016-19.
How do I place a hire order?
Please order using Zinfonia.
How are hire fees calculated?
Hire fees are determined by a number of factors: the work being performed, its duration, instrumentation, number of performances, hire period and the organisation hiring the work. Please note that hire fees do not include shipping charges.
How long will it take for my music to reach me?
The standard delivery time is a minimum of 2 weeks from the order date. If the music is required earlier you will need to pay an extra £50 late order charge, plus express courier charges if applicable.
Once your order has been despatched we can provide tracking information so that you can check the delivery date.
How will my music be sent?
All hire material is sent by courier: UPS from the Schott Music hire library in Germany and FedEx from the Universal Edition hire library in Austria.
Do you offer discounted rates for amateur performers?
Yes, we have different hire tariffs for professional and amateur performers. In addition, amateur orchestras receive 2 months hire as standard, as opposed to one, at no extra cost.
What happens if I lose or damage a part?
Please contact us right away so that we can replace any materials needed in advance of the concert. A replacement charge will be collected for any materials that are lost or defaced. The minimum replacement charge is £30 per part.
Should a part be missing from the material you receive, please notify us within five days. After that time, customers will be held responsible for all parts.
Where do I return the music?
Please see our Hire Library page for details of return addresses. The return address is also printed on the hire agreement and the delivery note. If you’re in any doubt, please give us a call on 020 7534 0757 to confirm before posting.
Do you offer perusal scores?
If a score is not available on sale, we will be happy to supply a perusal score. Please note that a small charge may apply to cover our administration and postage costs.
What happens if my performance is cancelled?
In the event of a performance being cancelled, please inform us in writing immediately. If material has been shipped already a cancellation charge of 50% of the hire fee plus postage will apply. If material has not been dispatched there is no charge.
I’m organising a concert, why do I need a PRS licence, isn’t that covered by the hire charges?
Hire fees cover the cost of supplying music for performers, which includes not only the printing costs, but all the editorial work that goes into producing material.
The copyright fees, usually paid via the venue to PRS for Music, is the fee that you pay for the right to perform the music.
How long may I keep my perusal score?
We ask that scores are returned within 2 months. If you require a score for longer, please contact us.
I am taking an exam and need an extra copy of the music for the examiner, do you allow this?
We do in certain circumstances allow single photocopies to be made purely for examination purposes which must always be destroyed after use. Please contact us to obtain the correct copyright line that must appear on the photocopy. Accompanists are not permitted to use photocopies.
I would like to use some of your music in my film/TV/ad, how do I go about getting clearance?
Please give us as much information as you possibly can from the outset in order for us to assess your request. In some cases we will have to refer this on directly to the composer or their estate.
What are Grand Rights and how do I obtain them?
Grand Rights refer to musico-dramatic works which are broadly defined as operas, ballets and musicals. These works are licensed directly by the publisher to the performer or promoter. Please contact us to obtain a quote.